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Wireless Wednesday Exclusive: Sara Britt, Manager of Corporate Responsibility for PETA

Today, more shoppers than ever are concerned about animal welfare and the environment. Animal agriculture which includes factory farming for what’s on animals’ backs—their feathers, fur, and skin—is responsible for nearly one-fifth of all man-made greenhouse-gas emissions, making it a leading cause of the climate catastrophe, and a reported 73% of Gen Z consider themselves animal rights activists.

There are fabulous new materials on the market if you know what to look for, from the most practical to the most fashionable. Young consumers particularly are eager to choose stylish, animal-free materials that have a much lighter impact on the planet and don’t support abusive industries. Luxurious vegan materials abound—from sumptuous vegan leather made from grape skins or mushrooms, to fabrics made from soybeans, to warm, allergen-free, vegan down made from wildflowers or recycled water bottles—and they are revolutionizing the fashion industry.

Have a listen:

Sara Britt, a manager for PETA, joins Rick.


Why should people shop for animal-free clothing?

How can shoppers find vegan clothing and accessories in stores and online?

How do leather, wool, down, and other animal-derived materials harm the environment?

What other materials can take the place of leather, wool, and down?

Where can our listeners go for more information?

Sara Britt is a corporate responsibility manager at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), where she encourages national and multinational companies to make kind choices for animals. Her victories include pushing hundreds of fashion brands to stop selling fur, cashmere, and other animal-derived materials as well as more than 100 airports, financial institutions, and self-storage companies to ban vile glue traps.


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