Add a Mini Jumbotron to your Man Cave

While it might not be the largest screen in the world, the Mini Jumbotron is the most thematically appropriate—and the one that is most likely to get the neighbors talking. The Mini Jumbotron is exactly what it sounds like, a little jumbotron, the likes of which you might see at a major sporting event, which replaces a hanging lighting fixture in your home—a sports fanatics chandelier, if you will. While it might not be your primary screen, it will serve perfectly as your second screen (or third or fourth or fifth; there are four sides) and keep guests in the action as they move around the party. Each screen is set to easily stream from your preferred services or use more traditional setups you have, and the device can be decked out in your favorite team’s regalia and easily switched from season to season.
The Mini Jumbotron starts at $1,995.