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Independent website promotes voting

GaVotingWorks has started as a non-partisan organization to help corporations engage in supporting employees in meaningful ways, including providing additional time off on election day, sharing information about the voting process, encouraging early voting, and sharing state and county resource needs that corporations can fulfill, such as purchasing ballot boxes and PPE.

Learn more about how to get involved at There are great Georgia partners including Cox, Delta, Coca-Cola, UPS, Home Depot, NCR, ParkMobile, Roadie, AT&T and others already signed up and fully engaged. Join them as we work towards educating and enabling the voting community.

One specific and urgent need from the state is recruiting 3000 technology support workers to serve on election day, November 3rd. As you may know, we are facing record-setting voter turn-out on election day this year, and Georgia is implementing new voting equipment from Dominion Voting Systems across all 159 counties. Applicants (called Field Service Techs, or FST’s) need to be U.S. citizens who are 18 years and older and tech-equipment savvy (comfortable setting up tablets, computers, scanners and printers). A 4.5 hour in-person training session will be provided during the last 2 weeks of October (across 27 training locations in the state). On election day, these support workers will be asked to serve from 6 am to 8 pm. FST’s will receive $400 for attending training and serving the full day on November 3rd.

It's a major commitment for an individual, no doubt. But, this is vital work. Georgia needs our help. I cannot think of a more worthy way for our technology community to engage in the election process and help our fellow Georgians with a smooth, safe, secure, positive voting experience. Please consider serving our democracy in this way, and sharing the opportunity within your networks and companies.

Interested volunteers can apply on line at Dominion Voting’s recruiting team will be in touch after they apply. Please consider applying, and encouraging your networks to get involved.

Again, contact GaVotingWorks at

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