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Match Tennis App is your 'Virtual Tournament Desk'

In order to promote the following of CDC best practices and guidelines we created a virtual tournament desk that for the most parteliminates the need for a physical tournament desk.

Introducing the Match Tennis App.

With the Match Tennis App, tennis coaches, players and tournament officials can now head to a virtual tennis desk. Check in for the tournament and sign waivers, check in for matches, report scores after match completions, look at the calendar and also see all their friends and what courts they might be playing on directly through Match Tennis app. Save time and be safe as there is no need to gather around a physical tournament desk. Through Match Tennis App, everything is now facilitated through Mobile devices.

In being a virtual desk, the Match Tennis app allows a player to arrive at a tournament in their car, check in for their match from their car, receive a message for which court they will be playing on from the safety of their car. It's a no-contact check in for your match.

They can then leave their car, go play their match, and before leaving the court report their score through Match Tennis App and head back to the car...All of this without ever having to get close to another human being.

We are happy to report that since launching the Virtual Tournamemt Desk June 1 at the first tournament back since the inception of the pandemic, not one case has been reported of COVID-19 being caught or transferred at any tournament that has used Match Tennis App‘s Virtual Tournament Desk.

Features for just $10 per month or $100 per year.

Available on IOS and Android Apps.

Easily Manage Your Tennis Tournament Journey with Match! Tennis Are you frustrated trying to figure out which tournaments to enter your child? Struggling to find the RIGHT tournaments, all of your different rankings (State, Sectional, National, ITF, UTR), and not sure if they will even get into the tournament?

Match University

Enhance your chance to get recruited to play college tennis! With our revolutionary college recruiting tool Match U, we connect college coaches and players like never before! Use our interactive checklist guide and college coach communications tool to find and communicate with all college tennis coaches all directly within Match U! Find Doubles Partners

Easily find a doubles partner for each tournament through our doubles pairing service. The great thing is that it is completely privatized…you never have to share your personal info unless you want to! Tournament Calendar

Plan your tournaments out for the entire 12 month calendar year! Add (UTR, USTA, ITF, ITA) tournaments to your personal tournament calendar and get a snapshot view of your monthly tennis tournament schedule! Tournament Search

Quickly find any tournament from The Match Tennis App! Search for (UTR, USTA, ITF, and ITA…WTA and ATP coming soon) with our tournament search feature. Saves HOURS! No more having to go to 6 different websites! Ranking Alerts

As soon as any of your rankings ever change you are automatically notified of any changes in your players UTR ratings, National, Sectional, or State, rankings via our email ranking alert notifications. Saves tons of time searching for rankings changes…Now they just come to your inbox! Ranking List

Quickly find any players USTA national, sectional or state rankings as well as UTR ratings. Our USTA ranking lists also include UTR ratings beside each player (Can’t get anywhere else) all from one place! Player Records

Find any players record in one place. No more having to go to 5 different places to find your state, sectional, national, UTR, and ITF playing records…View them all from The Match Tennis App Command Center! Applicants List

Finally… save hours figuring out if a player MIGHT GET INTO a tournament or if they will be seeded. Quickly sort applicants by USTA state, sectional, or national ranking, and UTR or ITF ranking if applicable. Rapidly view your tournament applicant standing! Notifications

Never Miss a Tournament ENTRY DEADLINE AGAIN! Receive email notifications to enter tournaments. You are notified 3 days before and on the day the tournament entry deadline closes. Email has links directly to registration pages.

Also here's a Q&A with Match App founders, Heath and former WTA player, Lindsay Lee-Waters:

1. Your inspiration behind the app?

The app was inspired by what I considered at the time to be a dire need to enhance the tennis tournament experience for all who were involved in the production and participation of tennis tournaments.

I was still playing professional tournaments at the time while trying to manage my young aspiring junior tennis players’tournaments... It was a nightmare. I had to constantly go to multiple websites, was missing tournament entry deadlines, didn’t know what rankings stood for what, didn’t know which tournaments to enter, and felt when attending tournaments that the status quo at the time could and should be enhanced.

It would often take up to four hours to figure out if my son would even get into a tournament based on his ranking, as we would at the time have to write down everyone else’s ranking to see where he fit in comparison...we had to do this so we could determine whether we needed to enter a different tournament or not. It was extremely frustrating and time consuming. We knew there had to be a better way.

Being that I was a high level USTA national level junior tournament player, a professional tour player for 20+ years, the mother of a young aspiring player, and also married to a high level tennis coach who had previously directed USTA/ITF professional tennis tournaments himself, our combined background experiences, along with being frustrated with the status quo at that time, were kind of a perfect catalyst cocktail that that led to the creation of the app.

Our aim was to go to bat for players, parents, coaches and tournament directors through developing innovative digital solutions that would give them more of their time back. Our mission was to enhance the quality of experience for all while turning hours a month into minutes a month managing tournament processes... we are making progress.

2. $10 per month and $100 per year being a small price to pay for all the unique features of the app?

Well the great news is we have a free basic plan that actually is an extremely powerful tool and will allow everyone to use the virtual tournament desk during the COVID-19 to keep safe as well as other things that are dear to our heart such as “Match U”, our free college connect service.

One of our goals is to help players obtain scholarships to universities of all levels. Currently there are services that charge upwards to $5000 per year in order to try to find a player a college that they might be able to obtain financial or academic assistance at.

We have players as low as 7 UTR ratings securing scholarships using our “Match U” college connect service... which is TOTALLY FREE. This makes our hearts smile!

One can also find players of a similar level anywhere in the United States to play with within a 10 mile radius of their zip code, use our privatized doubles pairing service when at tournaments, or even find a warm-up practice partner and many more features... all for free.

We do have premium features but we think our free features are game changing to tournament players and their families as they help eliminate many pain points that we all face during our tournament journey.

3. How it makes things easier for tennis players in a time of a pandemic?

The most prominent bottleneck during a tennis tournament is the tournament desk where the majority of social gathering occurs.

In order to promote the following of CDC best practices and guidelines we created a virtual tournament desk that for the most parteliminates the need for a physical tournament desk.

Through Match Tennis App, players can now check in for the tournament and sign waivers, check in for their matches, report scores after match completions, and they can also see all their friends and what courts they might be playing on directly through Match Tennis app, eliminating the need to gather around a physical tournament desk. Through Match Tennis App, everything is now facilitated through Mobile devices.

In reality, through Match Tennis apps virtual tournament desk, a player can now arrive at a tournament in their car, check in for their match from their car, receive a message for which court they will be playing on from the safety of their car. They can then leave their car, go play their match, and before leaving the court report their score through Match Tennis App and head back to the car...All of this without ever having to get close to another human being.

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