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Wireless Wednesday Exclusive: David DuFour from Webroot talks cybersecurity in the home

Millions of Americans find themselves working at home!

Americans are telecommuting due to COVID-19, the need for cybersecurity—already essential—has become a more pressing one.

So Rick talks to cybersecurity expert, David DuFour of Webroot, in this WirelessWednesday exclusive.

How likely are you to become a victim of cybercrime? While most of us feel confident that we are savvy when it comes to online scams and viruses, a recent survey found that many Americans are not secure in their online behavior. In fact, according to the 2020 Cyber Hygiene Risk Index, most Americans receive a failing grade of “F” and only a quarter achieve an “A” or a “B” grade. As a result, this lack of good cyber hygiene means that many individuals are leaving personal and business data in the hands of would-be cyber criminals.

Here's Rick and David:


· The top cyberattacks that respondents are worried about are viruses, identity theft, and being hacked.

· Most respondents believe their personal device(s) are more secure (34%) or just as secure (32%) as their work devices.

· However, 70% of those surveyed DO NOT use an identity protection service.

· Identity theft from misuse of a credit or debit card accounts for 48% of those surveyed.

· 42% of those surveyed use the same password for business and personal online accounts.

DuFour shares details on how consumers fared on general cybersecurity knowledge, whether they’re taking appropriate steps to protect themselves and overall sense of confidence in their cybersecurity behaviors. Recommendations for individuals to protect their data include:

· Check your social media privacy and data collection preferences, especially with Facebook apps.

· Use 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) on everything you can. Contact your wireless carrier and request more security to your account to prevent SIM swaps.

· With the increase in “live off the land” attacks where hackers use Windows components to carry out attacks, we encourage strong access controls to programs such as PowerShell, removing Java and to disable Office Macros.


1. How has cybersecurity become more crucial, now that the majority of Americans are working remotely? What new steps do we need to take to protect ourselves?”

2. Does anything surprise you in terms of the states that were ranked “Riskiest” or “Safest”?

3. What kinds of data are at risk for consumers? What are the consequences of those risks?

4. When it comes to cybersecurity, which states are performing the best? The worst?

5. How can we implement healthy cyber-hygiene behaviors both in the workplace and at home?

6. Where can viewers go for more information on the new report and for cybersecurity recommendations?

For more information please visit:

David Dufour is a cybersecurity expert, helping keep people safe from a variety of cyberthreats including phishing, ransomware, and IoT related malware. He is currently VP of Engineering and Cybersecurity at Webroot, a leader in next-generation endpoint security and cloud-based threat intelligence. Mr. Dufour has provided expert analysis and testimony in legal cases ranging from software product development and acquisition to embedded systems design and implementation. He possesses the ability to succinctly articulate complex ideas to a broader audience, which is crucial to providing context, depth, and understanding to all parties in legal cases. Mr. Dufour enjoys speaking at dozens of events across the globe to encourage cyber threat leaders to move the industry to a more automated, predictive state. Mr. Dufour is a veteran of the United States Air Force where he supported the World Wide Military Command and Control System. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Information Systems from Regis University, graduating Summa Cum Laude. In his free time, David enjoys an active Colorado lifestyle including running and snowboarding.

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