MobiLine poised to be a highlight of CES
With 5G poised to take off in 2020, the smartphone app TikTok taking the world by storm with over a billion users and studies showing that, for the first time, people are spending more time browsing their smart phones than watching television, video tech companies are poised to dominate headlines at CES 2020, the world’s largest consumer technology tradeshow.
One startup unveiling its video calling app at CES, is MobiLine. MobiLine allows users to record up to a 15-second video clip that becomes a video invitation to every call recipient, giving the call recipient a video preview of the call before they answer the phone.
A Mobiline user who captures a video of himself or herself on the platform can integrate the short clip into their most important outbound phone calls. While the MobiLine app can certainly be used to enhance outbound phone calls to friends and relatives, the company’s board advisers see it taking off in the business world as well, allowing business owners and entrepreneurs to record what is effectively a 15 second elevator pitch, moving the caller one step closer to closing a deal or making a sale.
“With apps like MobiLine ready to seize the faster internet brought on by 5G, our smart phones will become more important to all of us, and command more of our attention, than our TV’s,” said MobiLine CEO Stas Borukhoff.
Whether you’re a sales associate trying to close a deal with your hottest prospect or a grandmother eager to share important news with your family, when you make your most important phone calls of the day, you probably do not want to be sent to voice mail. Just as an email sent with a high-priority flag is more likely to be opened by the recipient, a phone call that starts with a MobiLine video invitation is more likely to prompt a live conversation. “How can you tell people – as you’re calling them – that they should answer your call because of the importance, even urgency, of your message? MobiLine is the solution,” said Borukhoff.
MobiLine ( will launch its free smart phone video communications app shortly after CES ends when the app will be available on both Apple and Android smart phones. Currently, the app is only available for IPhone beta users.
Many smartphone owners who previewed the app in its pre-launch stage, in both personal and professional communications, agreed that MobiLine will protect them from the unending stream of spam calls from telemarketers. There were more than 48 billion robocalls made in 2018, up 56.8% over the estimated 30.5 billion robocalls in 2017. As these numbers continue to rise, smart phone users look forward to a tool that helps them screen inbound calls to the mobile phones by seeing a familiar face and hearing a familiar voice before answering a call.
IPhone owner Mark Benson, a S.F. Bay Area consumer electronics who previewed the app, believes MobiLine will help him add his face and convincing salesmanship to connect with more prospective customers he’s never met. “A lot of my prospects I call are friends or colleagues of current customers,” said Benson. “If, at the beginning of every call, they can see my face and hear my confidence that I’ll get them a great deal, I have no doubt they’ll take my call and become my next customer.” Benson says he’s also looking forward to a related MobiLine feature that allows entrepreneurs and artists to post a two-minute video.
profile that will, for business objectives, serve as an online video resume. Another smartphone user who previewed the app is Angela Gurgova, a New York City resident.