'Alexa' will give you your flight status
Track flights on your Amazon Echo product with Flight Tracker or with a new integration with Kayak.
Flight Tracker will give you the latest flight status for a given flight departing on the day that you make the request. All you need is the airline name and flight number and Alexa will tell you the flight information. For example, you can say: "Alexa, ask Flight Tracker for United 262."

Currently supported airlines are:
**Alaska Airlines **Air Canada **American **Cathay Pacific **Delta **JetBlue **Southwest **United **WestJet
Alexa voice services also now work with Kayak to help you track flight arrival and departure times, so you can call out to your Echo, Tap, Triby, or other Alexa-enabled device right before heading out the door to the airport.
You can also be very vague if you have limited information.
Example: "Alexa, ask Kayak when the flight from New York will arrive."
Also it can help in booking flights.
"Alexa, ask Kayak where I can go for $300, from Atlanta?"