Rick's top 5 gadgets of 2016: Lomo Instant Wide Angle Camera
Get creative with the help of Lomo.
And the Lomo Instant Wide Camera.

Since 1992, Lomography has grown to be an internationally recognized organization dedicated to bringing fun and alternative approaches to photography and provide a passionate platform for sharing the love for experimental and creative photography all over the world. Here is your chance to join the movement. The Lomo Instant Wide is twice as wide and double the fun, you can fit even more winter, spring, summer and fall magic into your shot with this wide-format instant camera. You can choose to use mobile settings, but there is also a Fully Programmatic Shutter that lets you lean back and enjoy the ease of the instant. The "Central Park" package includes extra lenses and filters all to be used Fuji Instax Wide Film.
This is a well built instant camera- the likes you haven't seen before. The results are amazing that come out of this camera, that is why it's one of my favorite items of 2016.