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Rick's top 5 gadgets of 2016: Lumo Lift

How's your posture?

If you are wondering, a new device is here to help.

Lumo Lift is a wearable device that clips onto your shirt below your collarbone, and emits a gentle vibration when it senses you slouching. The device syncs to your smartphone and tracks good posture hours, calories burned and steps. It's a great gift for the gadget-lover in your life, the desk worker you love that complains about shoulder and back pain, or anyone just interested in breaking the bad habit of slouching. It's easy to use and doesn't get in the way. The Lumo Lift can help you get healthier in 2017.

What you get:

Lumo Lift Sensor Brushed Aluminum Magnetic Clasp Matte Black Magnetic Clasp USB Charging Dock Compatibility: iOS 10 and up, Android 5.0 and up (excluding tablets).

Get one now for $79.99.

Facts: Often, poor posture develops because of accidents or falls. But bad posture can also develop from environmental factors or bad habits. This means that you have control.

Today, posture-related problems are increasing:

  • As we become a society that watches more television than any previous generation;

  • As we become a more electronic society, with more and more people working at sedentary desk jobs or sitting in front of computer terminals;

  • As more and more cars are crowding our roads, resulting in accidents and injuries;

  • And as we drive in cars with poorly designed seats.

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